The devs are complete morons THE ONLY TIME we get to be in the dreadnought we have to be in the worst situation that removes THE ENTIRE RECOVERY STAT to make it the most hellish and gruling experience that has now gotten me to burst into tears TWICE from how hard it is, it is completely unfair to remove all health regeneration im sorry devs but this is a gigantic mistake and now after just coming back from almost a year break I'm now completely disgusted at this and have no reason to come back now cause if I can't even DO 1 ENCOUNTER then you litterally chose something that has ruined the entire season
Idk why healing rift and lumina are not healing in the nether. Its kinda stupid. Healing rifts, lumina and healing grenades should work in the nether. Not sure if its a bug, if it was intentional then that was a dumb idea. Btw, crimson, ruinous effigy , ratking and suros heals in said activity.