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Destiny 2

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2/9/2025 8:52:39 PM

Exotic class glaives, please fix lucent blade, one step forward two steps backwards!

I have been using the class exotic glaives, specifically the edge of action, for a very long time. The new changes to the glaives have been great, actually have the melee portion be buffed and giving energy to the next shot is awesome. What really sucks is that now, you have to land 6 SHOTS, 6 OF THEM to charge up your special glaive shot, which use to be only 3 if you had lucent blade x2. I understand they removed the energy being connected to the glaive shot, but now lucent blade feels sort of useless to use. It should still reduce the special glaive shot count down to half if you run it x2 and only IF you shoot enemies with it, I understand not doing that for melee because then it would just be too easy to access the special shot over and over again. Bungie please make this slight adjustment, honestly the glaives before this change were still REALLY GOOD for those who took the time to commit to using this very committal weapon. It requires a lot of finesse to use these weapons properly, please adjust the special shot counter if lucent blade is on, otherwise I am just wasting ammo on an already limited weapon.

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