The DIM app has been a wonderful accessory to assist with enjoying the game, thanks. Unfortunately, I've grown to depend on it working so well as it normally does, but now it has a problem.
When the new Heresy season dropped, the Web-Browser-based version of DIM became unable to properly identify which armor goes with which character type (Hunter, Warlock, Titan). Instead of showing the symbols shown with each in their respective groups, there is just a single globe symbol now at the beginning of ALL the armor pieces in the Vault, and using the Organizer tab shows ZERO armor items for each character, leaving no way to use the functions of Organizer (JUST for Armor) at present. Is this a known issue already, and where can I track the progress on its resolution?
Apologies in advance for posting this in the Android section, but apparently "Web-browser based Companion app" wasn't offered as a category to post.
Hi there! As Destiny Item Manager is a third party application, you will need to reach out to them regarding this issue.