Please could you bring the ability for Sagiras ghost shell to be earn or purchased in the eververse I unfortnately wasn’t playing the season it was out and missed out. I would very much love a way to bring back old ghost or ships to be earned or purchase even if it’s like the end of season you did last season missions or the hall of heroes you did before the final shape. I’ll even buy it with silver in eververse. So many items in the game that people can’t get excess too because they were playing then or had a break. You don’t need to make new designs bring back some old stuff wouldn’t take much at all 🫶
Ps. Loved you brought back old season armour the season of the hunt was my favourite armor that I missed so thank you so so much for making it available for silver brought those sets straight away ❤️
I want the node avalon shell but the expert mission was too super hard for me