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2/8/2025 1:56:06 AM

Top 100 Sundered Doctrine Contest Clear not marked as complete

Earlier today my team and I cleared Sundered Doctrine on contest mode, but the activity is still not marked as completed on Dungeon Report, and we aren't on the leaderboards. We looted the boss drops and popped all the triumphs associated with completing on contest mode including the one associated with the contest emblem and the Finality's Auger exotic. According to our time, we would have cleared within the top 100 teams, which is a huge achievement for us and our clan so if there's anything that can be done for us we'd be very grateful. We read the rules of the dungeon race listed here, under rule 6, "At least one member of the fireteam must have completed and received loot for every encounter.". We assumed that because we got our loot drops and triumphs, the mission was complete and it was safe to leave to orbit, as seen in the video. Here are our gamertags (all on Steam) and some links to relevant information. bemon#6519 Ryan1723#0416 Roy's Our Boy#2560 A link to our specific attempt, [url][/url] A link to a video of our boss kill and triumph claim, [url][/url] A link to the official Sundered Doctrine rules [url][/url]

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  • my team got a top 200/300 placement and also are experiencing the exact same problem. we defeated kerrev and received all loot drops, triumphs, and quest progress associated with the clear. in other words, we have the contest emblem and finality's augur, but Dungeon Report shows our run as incompleted. if needed we can provide videos of the clear. Lynspira#4409 my Witness#3711 Meep#3317

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    • I made my own forum post above cataloguing everything I've found on the issue. Clearly this is an issue on Bungie's end and is an oversight. Raidreport is just showing what Bungie has logged in their system for who cleared it, so it's likely going to be bungie who needs to fix it.

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    • Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 2/9/2025 12:24:49 AM
      In your video, you leave the dungeon as Savathuns dialogue begins but before you get the mission complete banner/timer. The triumph progress gets ticked off with the chest but the activity doesn't actually end until Savathun does her roughly 30 or so seconds of dialogue, so due to that its a DNF run. Bungie are extremely unlikely to go back and begin altering PGCRs for this to change it to be a clear instead. See this video: Timestamp is where in your video you left but if you skip towards near the end at 1:30:16 you see where the banner/timer kicks in.

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      • Hi there! Any questions regarding any functionality of any third party site need to be brought up to the developers of that site. Unfortunately, the #help forums cannot provide assistance with anything related to this.

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        5 Replies
        • Same problem here, run incompleted even thought we cleared and loot every encounter in contest mode and got the triumph for the contest emblem / exotic. Link to the video of our final boss kill with triumphs: Dungeon report: Screenshot of our fireteam with the contest emblem on: Draka#3200 Volcano#8102 Aizen_dxd#1293

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