So the idea of the new activity is cool and all, but you all literally destroyed 1/3 of warlocks gameplay options in the process.
There is no healing build that will carry any weight because you all have gutted healing entirely. I don't understand why the warlocks rift literally serves no purpose in the new activity unless it's to proc aspects. If that was the case then you guys should fine tuned these abilities to have a different enteraction in the activity, there is no way you all gave a flat healing nerf to every single healing source in the game. You can't use blanket options in these situations because warlocks depend on healing and recovery to get anything done. Devour, devours aspect, fragments, warlock healing rifts, healing grenades, ALL of warlocks healing exotics, either had their functionality slashed in half or just got completely destroyed.
This should have been an opportunity to finally make healing builds interactive and fun to use, instead it's just going to be about oversheilds (which mostly suck) and invisibility. This is invetiably going to end up making us resort to boring, long distance, keepaway gameplay with scout rifles and snipers.
PS: Cenotaph sucks with the new Trace rifle, the reloading feels way off, I don't know if it's because it's primary ammo but it just feels like I can fire way longer with the other traces.
Empowering rift and the perks you get in the activity for healing when you use your class ability and class ability regen you get healing and a damage buff.