The overload champion modifier for the season pass is not currently working on legendary LMGs. Noticed it when playing onslaught yesterday.
This season's decision to assign nearly all champion mods to special and heavy weapons, leaving only one for primary weapons, is absolutely stupid on bungies behalf. It's limiting our build options and pushing us towards using a narrow range of weapons. A better approach would be to remove the Glaive Unstoppable mod and reassign it to a primary weapon, giving us more flexibility and variety in our loadouts.
Thunderlord eats overload champions for breakfast
That plus the health bug, sounds like Heresy was released half baked.
Luckily this was mentioned in today's TWAB. The only actual artifact weapon mod-based source for stunning Overload champs doesn't work. Hopefully they'll have a fix soon.
Until a fix is in place a cope roll is the arc lmg with jolting feedback from the dreadnaught. Really hoping for a actual fix soon