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2/6/2025 11:02:32 PM

Ideas for Hunter

I feel as though Golden Gun: Deadshot lacks a place in the current meta. I have an idea for an exotic that could take a stab at fixing this. Burning Smack (Exotic arms) With Golden Gun: Deadshot equiped your melee with be replaced with your Guardian pistol whipping an enemy with the Golden Gun. As you gain more super charge the melee will become stronger, causing a Ingition at full charge. Causing ignitions while Golden Gun: Deadshot is active will result in having more time in your super. When "Knock 'em Down" is equipped melee will not be returned upon kills while radiant. Hunter Fashion I believe Hunters should be able to have their helmet off and hood still on in the settings menu. I also believe no matter where you are you should be able to have your helmet off on any class, similar to our vanguard leaders. Thank you for taking the time to read this, till next time! -HaveApickle#9962

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