Seriously you just took the concept and mechanics of the Pale heart planet and turned it into a shitty activity. You also took the buff mechanics from season of the Deep and the urns from season of the Wish, but made them worse by making their content random.
This style of activity just doesn't work with randoms, you will have some people rushing to complete the activities whilst you try to get the materials and go for the chests.
Honestly this is such a boring activity, who where wanted to play on a planet for 4 months ?.
Jason Schrierer said this after the layoffs, that destiny is now in its death spiral, budget & staff will both be low going forward & the Devs have been told to work with what they already have, so repurpose, reuse, reskin etc so the bar is very very low even for bungie. Worryingly he said we wouldn't see the effects of the layoffs until frontiers when content will get substantially lighter & it'll be a game you play weekly or monthly, not daily.