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Destiny 2

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2/6/2025 12:27:45 PM

Thanks for ruining Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, now I finally have a reason to quit the game

You just couldn't help yourself do you. You had to ruin THAT ONE exotic that just worked. You have removed THAT ONE THING THAT ACTUALLY MADE IT UNIQUE - reload equipped weapon on melee hit. No other hunter exotic does that. Not even grave robber perk does that (you need to kill will melee to reload). And you change it for what? Oh the thing that you can already do with stasis fragment. See, not only you're so incompetent you don't even play your own garbage game, you gave it a perk that ALREADY EXISTS IN GAME AS A STASIS FRAGMENT. Good job. I'm sure one of those 10k players left in game will suddenly start using it in pvp cuz "haha guys it deals more damage now pls play our game q_q". Yeah I'm sure all those pvp streamers that already dropped you and move on Warframe will go back cause you made one pve exotic viable in pvp. Keep on dreaming. - I've been barely playing this garbage past year or so because of how terrible it got but this the last straw that finally pushed me to quit so thanks. I'm finally free.

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