The Juggernaut aspect is still bad. The sprint requirement and the fact it doesn’t linger when not sprinting feels disjointed in gameplay. It apparently doesn’t synergize with Storm’s Keep as well due to the class ability tie.
I think the frontal shield should be removed since it doesn’t mesh well with arc identity and replaced with Galvanic Armor mod from previous artifacts while amplified. And I think knockback immunity and flinch resistance should be added as well to feel unstoppable. I also suggest it produces bolt charge through speed like the new major boon in the Nether and another arc verb like blind when speedy. You can make sure amplified doesn’t refresh to balance it.
Another suggestion for some more arc love is to add bolt charge to fists of havoc and stormtrance. I also believe FoH should get a damage buff as well. Thank you for reading if you did.
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