Since Winter's Guile automaticaly shatters frozen targets, i think it could lean more into stasis by refunding melee energy on shatter damage and/or kills.
Stasis shards already refund melee energy but seeing as the exotics buff only lasts 5(?) seconds more energy wouldnt hurt. It would be a sort of stasis version of Dawn Chorus and would also have its place on prismatic (which i personaly believe lacks exotic diversity on warlocks).
I can already think of paring it with conditional finality for its Stasis shot for some fun synergy!
Honestly it would be nice for Warlocks to get some Melee instant return Exotic, the closest thing we have is the Heat Rises Aspect which is locked to Solar. Hunters have it set to a Dodge near enemies and Liar's Handshake, as far as I can remember. Titan has at least a couple Exotics with Insurmountable Skullfort and Peregrine Greaves. Winter's Guile makes the most sense to refund Melee energy on a kill with any powered Melee attack, particularly with the Felwinter lore but I suppose that is asking too much from Bungie. The next closest thing Warlock has is Sunbracers for instant Grenades and Starfire Protocol for instant Rift energy, both also locked to Solar for their specific Grenades. (Technically also Stag, but you have to die for it to instantly cast on your corpse so it's not really a refund)