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Clan Recruitment

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2/4/2025 2:26:04 AM

Deaths Horizon is Recruiting [ENG][US][DISCORD][ALL PLATFORMS]

Hello there! I am an Admin from Deaths Horizon asking if you would like to be a part of our clan! We dont focus on your numbers or clears. We are here to help grow you into the godslayers we know you are! We are in need of new members who are semi-active and are in need of a group to play activities in. (WE understand about family and life so we won't be harsh if you need to step away for a bit) We are also mostly localized in the Central and Eastern Timezones. We Primarily focus in PvE (raids, dungeons, nightfalls) but have those who enjoy PvP. We also do realize that burn outs do happen so we do have other channels in our discord for other games that may suit interest if D2 starts to burn you out. A few things we do ask though; - Be in the US. (We have tried with international players and it was just hard time-wise) - Have a mic and discord. (we have tried to do this as well without people in our discord and no ways of communicating but again it did not work well) - Have some thick skin. (We do banter a lot and it can get rough) Be courteous and respectful to your other members (no racial slurs, hate speech, bashing loadouts ect.) If you are interested in joining us DM me on discord. Discord: reaperkillera Thank you and we hope you to hear from you soon!

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