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Edited by RurouniDante: 2/1/2025 8:20:16 PM

solo dungeon vesper is a nightmare. add solo damage scaling against dungeon bosses

amount of health bar is ridiculous. raneiks got only 1 single weapon thats decent, dimensional hypochroid, and only 1 weapon or nothing is a huge problem. raneiks takes 6-7 phases ONLY if: the servitors stayed grouped together+tether debuff and damage sharing. otherwise rng deals so little damage a full 21 mag deals slightly less than 10% of it's hp. puppeteer is an even worse nightmare, keeping health up and spamming damage, but after 8-9 full phases health bar is still 60% is ridiculous. not to mention error code kicked me at 60% health and other bugs that prevent solo flawless. add 3x damage multiplier against bosses when solo only. if i can 8 phase a mid boss and 20 phase the finall boss i got the mechanics down perfectly, but the health bars after spire, worse ghosts and now even worse vesper just makes me nervous to the point of shaking, and after getting error coded i'm not gonna ever try a solo dungeon until we get some sort of buff. and maybe a solo mode option so we can continue our solo flawlesses from the checkpoint after getting error coded. and yes my net is fast and solid so the error code is on bungie servers only.

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  • Edited by cryptic_king_241: 2/2/2025 2:48:59 PM
    [quote]puppeteer is an even worse nightmare, keeping health up and spamming damage, but after 8-9 full phases health bar is still 60% is ridiculous. not to mention error code kicked me at 60% health and other bugs that prevent solo flawless.[/quote] At 9 dps phases you should be done. I know it's a marathon and not a sprint, but there's something wrong with your strat. Titan with rally barricade, suspectum lfr with chill clip (paired with any perk in the other column), facet of hope to regen class ability faster when you have an element buff (frost armour), stasis artifact mods that deal with stasis weapons and debuffs, twilight arsenal (after slowing boss) with facet of courage, alpha lupi as your healing (with ophidian if you have the class item with both), and forego extending dps. Sit up on the bunker safe spot and get those head shots. If possible, at the start, use the final warning exotic sidearm to unravel the boss. Armour swap for x3 stasis surge, a reload with dexterity, x2 targeting, and x2 time dilation. I did not think of unraveling with Final Warning until my 2nd last dps so with that, 7-8 dps phases maybe.

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by aTinyWeeBaby: 2/2/2025 6:38:56 PM
      You’re totally right, dungeons are so close to being great solo content, but the boss hp is just ridiculous. Raneiks is slow, boring and yeah, wildly inconsistent. How many times do I need to prove I can jump through all those hoops? It’s a test of patience and nothing else. I think a solo operative style buff would be fine

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        Eight to nine DPS phases sounds like a loadout concern, which ends up compounding all the ammo/glimmer drops that leads to game crashes. What are you running that has you doing such terrible damage?

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      • In regards to the phases I four phases both ranieks and puppeteer you might need to change your load out around. But it was still a stressful night mare to do solo

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      • I don't know what the new meta is for Raneiks since the rework to it and nothing I've used since felt consistently good, so that gets a pass. That said, if you're taking 8 phases on any solo Dungeon boss, then there is user error involved - either playing far too safely, or using a bad loadout. Triple damage is a ridiculous idea. Most half decent builds would be one-phasing every boss without having to try. A much better suggestion that I've seen is the permanent addition of Solo Operative for Dungeons. It's not enough to trivialise the challenge but big enough to help, and many players who are on the fence about soloing will just wait for the mod to reappear in the artefact. Any type of resumption after leaving is also off the table. While there are genuine cases for error codes ruining runs, it would also allow people who are about to die to quit and restart the encounter with no penalty, which goes against the idea of doing it flawlessly. As someone else has already pointed out, taking longer will create more ammo and glimmer bricks that will contribute to error codes, so there are two birds with one stone to be had.

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      • Translation: Make dungeon easier to solo because I can’t beat it.

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      • Edited by Ray: 2/2/2025 3:33:03 PM
        8-9 phases on the puppeteer is legit skill issue lol I can’t speak on the servitor tho since I solo’d it before the change

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by Unprofessional Duck: 2/3/2025 4:10:20 AM
          I understand where you're coming from, I just don't think Bungie will ever change anything to make solo dungeon completions easier. The newest dungeon is pretty frustrating when going in solo, but that just makes the emblem all that more rare.

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        • Edited by Dad,OutForMilk(Timelost): 2/3/2025 7:50:11 PM
          No! Scaling health should never happen. If anything decrease the health values altogether. Fireteams should always have an advantage over solo in PVE, that's why they always say "guardians are stronger together". This game is based on doing everything in a fireteam. It should always be harder to solo because it should never scale. Now, back onto the subject at hand, no, dungeon boss health should not scale, it should be low enough that you can one-phase him with 3, 2 phase with 2, and 3 phase with 1 player, this using optimal DPS, of course. Average would probably actually be more like 2 phases, 3 phases, and 5 phases. Anything greater, though should definitely be changed. Keep in mind not all triumphs are supposed to be easy. If they were they wouldn't be triumphs, now would they? Not everyone will be able to get these triumphs. Those who can will be able to brag about it.

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        • No

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        • Yeah losing a solo flawless due to error connections and runs are just tedious now instead of fun due to extremely high health and bs mechanics. That’s why I hardly ever look forward to doing them these days.

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        • You are correct

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        • Bosses need health scaled 100% I don't like having to run the hard meta to get a kill in a reasonable amount of phases. Unfortunately you are about to get people coming in here saying you're asking for a handout. Which is dumb.

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          No thank you

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        • I thought about it but that final boss just says no. I’d be out of brain cells by then but I don’t think I’d make it unless absolute boredom kicks in

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        • Just no

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