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Destiny 2

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1/31/2025 10:05:44 PM

Music of Destiny Vol. 1 Vinyl Repress PLEASE !!

I know i’m probably just speaking into the void here, but for years i’ve wanted nothing more than a repress of The Music of Destiny Volume 1 Vinyl that released as a charity incentive years ago. I have an indescribably deep connection to the music of destiny as i’m sure many others do, especially the Music of the Spheres, which is my personal favorite music of all time. I would give so much to be able to own an official release of it on vinyl, not only due to my own connection to it, but also so I can pass it down to my children one day as an heirloom of my childhood so that they might better feel connected to some of the experiences that made me who I am. I know it probably comes off as a little overdramatic but that original music especially is extremely important to me and many others, if there is at all a chance that we could see a repress, I want to make it known that there are those of us out there who want it. I am absolutely sure it would sell very very well especially with the resurgent popularity of vinyl as a format. The recent release of the music of destiny volume 1 on streaming has given me hope that we might possibly see a return of this vinyl, which I was unfortunately not able to buy during its initial release, due to not yet seeing the value and being too young at the time. So please, if any moderator or employee sees this that can possibly make this demand known and pass this feedback along, I am humbly asking you to please consider doing so as seeing this come to fruition would make me more happy than you could know. Thank you for reading my message.

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