Riskrunner isn't great atm, so I have some thoughts about how to bring it up to the modern standard
1. Change the trigger for Arc Conductor
Taking Arc damage is, lets be fair, a fairly annoying way to trigger the perk, so I think, to bring it inline with how builds work nowadays, Arc Conductor should trigger on collecting an Ionic Trace. Also might suggest increasing the duration of the buff, since it's a little harder to produce ionic traces than get kills, but that'd have to be playtested to get a sense for.
2. Remove the Arc Damage reduction
Doesn't really make sense with the new trigger, and since it'll be easier to trigger Arc Conductor, it doesn't really need this as an extra.
3. Reduce the ammo return
Since it should be easier to maintain the buff, the full reload isn't really necessary to help maintain, but I do think that a certain amount of reload works, so maybe only 25% reload.
4. (Optional) Change the chain lightning for a kind of Jolting Feedback
This one isn't something I think is necessarily required, but could give more synergy with builds. Have the Superconductor perk act as Jolting Feedback, and when Arc Conductor is active, increase the speed at which the Jolt is applied (also in this case, make the ammo return based on proccing the chain lightning from Jolt maybe?)
5. (Optional) Catalyst Changes
Could potentially add the extended timer on Arc Conductor to this instead of making it a base thing? Just to give a little more than the Range buff, but ehhh, not particularly sold/not particularly invested in this
But yeah, think these changes could bring Riskrunner more into the modern day, and make it synergise more with current builds. Would love to hear peoples thoughts on this!
Jolting feedback as it’s catalyst