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1/30/2025 8:42:24 PM

Sturm catalyst not possible.

For everyone who don't have the Sturm catalyst sorry to say it but if you didn't get it before 2025 I don't think you can. I have now been playing on nessus in +25 hours I have over 30k kills I tried switching between titan warlock hunter, tried restarting game, tried solar void arc stand stasis prismatic, tried in a group and solo tried heroic events public event and lost sectors, I tried triggering it with completing catalyst for other weapons. Still nothing. So I don't think it's possible. Don't be like me don't waste your time. wait on bungie to fix it. If I somehow get it I will let you all know.

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  • I have given sadly after too many hours and kills the conclusion is Sturm catalyst does not exist in 2025. There is no way to get it don't waste your time just wait u til bungie annonce it is working again

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    3 Replies
    • I can't say this with absolute certainty, but I'm pretty sure I remember something being said about catalysts for older Exotics having a lower chance of dropping than the newer ones. It seems odd I know, but I guess Bungie figured players would be more anxious about getting the newer ones over the older.

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      • I'm assuming you're talking about getting it to drop in the first place? Well I got bad news and good news. Good news: It can drop. Bad news: Its a year 1 catalyst. Why is that bad? Year 1 catalysts were supposed to take over the grind in the place of the exotics themselves. Being so hard to obtain you could go months without obtaining them. Case in point I didn't get Coldhearts till like I think either very late Shadowkeep or early beyond light.

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          I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old

          No it’s definitely possible

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          • Play comp

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