Soooo, I just tried running the Spire of the Watcher dungeon and ran into an INSANE amount of bugs and issues that made the activity so much worse. And at the moment I feel incompatible for solo players.
Here are the bugs and issues I encountered in order of encounter;
Issues throughout the Dungeon
- Point blank shots would not register
- Void resistance mod’s had zero effect throughout the activity
- Dungeon specific loot and armor was not dropping, out of 3-chest only one dungeon exclusive gun dropped (this may be due to changes to loot dropping, i.e. most loot drop as engrams now)
[u][b]Opening Encounter/1st Puzzle[/b][/u]
- Cyclops Turrets randomly one shot player no matter resilience and health
- Self destructing Harpy’s could appear out of nowhere and be invisible until death
- First encounter chest for completion does not spawn (redid this part 3-times, no chest or loot)
[u][b]Spire Ascent[/b][/u]
- Bonus chest did not drop dungeon specific loot even though some had been unlocked previously and its meant to drop exclusive loot
[u][b]Spire Ascent Puzzle[/b][/u]
- Similar issues as first encounter, mobs had spawning issues making this section longer than needed
- Chest did not drop any dungeon loot
[u][b]Akelous, the Siren’s Boss Encounter[/b][/u]
- Non stop spawning Harpy’s
- Similar to the first encounter, random mob’s would one shot for no reason
- Even when destroying the red eye on Akelous, DPS was not registering correctly as half of all shots where immune for unknown reason
- Boss completely bugged out for no reason, not moving, not fighting, and not advancing to the second phase thus allowing for a SUPER slow one phase
- When boss bugged out all mob’s stopped spawning
[u][b]The Descent Puzzle[/b][/u]
- No issues found as this was only a puzzle section
[u][b]Persys, Primordial Ruin boss fight[/b][/u]
- First dozen tries were super bugged as self detonating harpies would not stop spawning, at one point the encounter had 15 at one time forcing a game reset which resolved the issue
- When comparing movement speed of Persys to older versions of the activity, as it stands Persys moves absurdly faster and hits for an insane amount of damage nucking health even with a void overshield
- Persys health is bugged when comparing DPS builds to older videos of the activity and the second boss Akelous, Persys health is much higher than in previous versions thus making the activity near impossible for solo players. Even a maxed out Parisite in an emporwing rift did little to the bosses super high health
- During a DPS phase due to the game not registering DPS correctly, my game crashed so bad I had to use task manager to force quit the game as even Steam could not stop the game from running
Look I know Spire of the Watcher is one of the worst dungeons in D2 as its loot although cool looking is mediocre at best including the Hierarchy of Needs, but I had a cool PVE build idea that could make it more interesting. Which is the point of a looter shooter, as the meta shifts, old bad guns could surge into popularity. Anyone try Skyburner in PVP lately, it hits hard now due to meta changes. And thanks to Prismatic I think Hierarchy could have some interesting interaction now. Sadly as it stands I see no way of testing this as the final encounter, even if beaten does not guarantee the bow’s drop. Making me truly wonder if this is really worth the frustration.
And I mean frustration. Nothing about this dungeon is hard, there is only one puzzle mechanic and only two bosses. In fact if Bungie removed the non-stop spawning mob’s and made the stupid amount of boss health reasonable Spire could be a good intro to D2 dungeons. As it stands, I don’t know if I will/try to beat the dungeon before the reset. I’m not the greatest player (it took me 3 ½ hours to get to the final boss) and I'm not sure the frustration is worth a small chance to get the exotic i'm after.
Wow came back to post an update and did not expect to see so many people on this rant lol. A lot of interested and frankly honest./true takes. I just wanted to post an update to say the issues listed above were...well my fault. In some ways. My internet provided switched us to a NAT connection type and let me tell your. Bungie hates NAT Connections to the point they give you a stability warning the moment you load in. I didn't consider this an issue until I looked back at some clips of me and one of my roommates from collage getting soft locked out of a few PVE activities due to the unstably since our school wifi was also a NAT yet cleared up after the reset. What I mean to say was the issues I was having were pretty much a bugged instance of the game. I had to step away due to work and when I attempted again after the weekly reset the entire thing went SOOO much smother. Enjoyable almost. No more random AOE 1-shots, mobs were spawning in correctly, and I got some exclusive loot from the chest. Look Im not the greatest player, I'm pretty low mid if i'm being honest but after the reset I got to the final boss in almost half the time annnd gave up cus his health is just atrocious and I don't currently have the skill's or builds to take him out lol. But hey I got 3 damage phase before dying.