would bungie ever consider adding trading to destiny 2? I think it'd add value to armor or repeat rolls or rolls you'd wanna get rid of but a friend wants! surely it'd be a good addition right?
Check out the digital Pokémon Trading Card game “trading feature” they introduced. As someone else mentioned, the Diablo 3 auction house fiasco. In my opinion, there’s no way to regulate digital assets without destroying the integrity of the game. Put restrictions, and it’s a waste of time. Make it a “free market,” and it will be capitalized and monetized by the haves. Division 2 had a system where you could drop gear for players if they were in your party when said item was obtained. Very situational with random players, but it was fair, I guess? I couldn’t see running VOG, having someone get a duplicate Vex Mythoclast, and doing an eeny meeny miney mo situation. I see that turning into the fastest $ for the drop. That again leads into restrictions like, would someone have to have x amount of clears on an activity to qualify to receive the trade? What about weapon focusing/the grind? Or player “retention”/replayability? That gets undermined with trading. Trading will never happen, nor would it ever work in Destiny 2.