NGL it’s a bit stronger now but it feels like poop 💩
like every other 360 AR in the game.
390 VEX was goated so do us a solid and make it smooth again.
There's a really simple solution to this. They don't have to revert the rpm to 390, but I feel it would make sense to increase the ROF for increasing the battery level even if it's only temporary. And have kills with its LFR mode increase the ROF or damage for a few seconds based on kills too, let them stack. Adjust all these in pvp since of course that was the reason they nerfed it in the first place, but wtf cares if something is "too strong" in PvE in a game that's supposed to let us live out a "power fantasy"? Each battery level increase the ROF by 5-10 RPM, each kill with the LFR shots increase the ROF by 10-15 once they're used up. Problem solved.