other than titans, why do you run tier 10 resilience in crucible?
You can survive certain ability +weapon combos
Because tier 10 resilience is goated. Taking less flinch and having max break point for all weapons forcing everyone to be more accurate. It punishes bad players, helps me win gun fights, and unless you're using a cringe ability build I rather have my stats go to resil rather than a melee or grenade.
I am a pve guy , i mostly play grandmasters with 18 resil ... i never understood why people would play with 100 resil . If you are on titan , okay . It gets your barricade back faster wich is the whole point of investing in the right stat . Why try to tank incoming damage if you can avoid it simply by having good awareness and have a faster ability regen instead ? No matter if you have 100 resil or not you are not unkillable ... Especially in pvp . It takes a few shots to kill a player . You are not shooting oryx in kings fall with 6 man . 😂 Just a player , it is like shooting an acolyte . You don't need 100 resil to kill an acolyte 😂😂😂
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Because I like the survival. Also 4x100 stats so all ability regen is maxed (aside from intellect) -
I usually run 80 res, but I’m trying out 60 res with 100 mobility on my loc. Fast Loc is a whole new experience lol
Still plays like a Noob. - old
I run tier 10 resilience because I'm a mid (at best) player running a warlock so I need all the help I can get any time I get the crazy/stupid idea to set foot in PvP. -
I don’t as it’s pointless
I don't. I run 40 Resilience on my Hunter and my Warlock, unless I am running a well build in PVP (in which case I run 100 to make the well sword as beefy as possible). The most valuable TTK/forgiveness resilience checks in the current sand box are tier 2, 4, 7 and marginally 10...but 4 protects you from 90% of the BS out there.
It used to have some play a while back when High Impact Pulses were meta and had a damage break that forced 6 crits with high resil. But mostly it’s probably because it takes forever to adjust stats between PvE and PvP. If I’m planning on grinding out Trials Rep (lol I don’t even try for flawless at this point) I’ll adjust it but that’s about it. 4-5 Resil, 6-7 Recov, 8-9 Mobility, 3 Int, 1 Str, 8-9 Discipline on my warlock (it’s the best I can really make it with what armor I have in my vault :)
Don't care enough to change mods
Edited by Duke: 1/30/2025 7:21:24 PMLess mod changing or needing to use a loadout when I go from pve to pvp lol. Laziness is the real answer, I guess.
Already on my pve armour so
It makes your max health higher, so -blam!- like flux grenades that are supposed to OHK you cannot under circumstances like overshield or frost armor Also thruster go wee
1) Survive more BS 2) Less Flinch #1 is more important than #2. If you're asking why people run T10 instead of some other resiliance, like T7, I have no idea. Which Resiliance to run shifts based on the weapon meta and personal preference.
Because, as a crappy PvE main, I forgot to swap builds. 😅
Edited by eliteg: 1/30/2025 4:47:10 AMeliteg
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
I run 10 resil, recov and strength as a warlock because I dont want to play ability/super game but I need my melee (strength) in void to move away shotgunners.. and it makes me tougher to bring down (resil) and my health regen/rift comes back quick enough (recov). It shouldn't play too much of a factor anyway.. in fact if we want less mercies and more gunplay it should all be disabled and we either all have max, avg or min stats equalized in PVP. Its why I hate armor which should just be ornamental.. and your stats can be tied to some loop or completely removed. Your exotic choice should just be a drop down menu... which exotic dancer will I be today.. ah yes same as always Ophidian... [spoiler]or my preference removed as well for PVP with exotic weapons :)[/spoiler] -
Gibby own me $100
Malding - old
Usually it's so your opponents have to be more accurate by landing a higher percentage of headshots to get the kill, or in some cases, require more bullets. And in some rarer cases if your opponent is a bit out of range, the damage falloff they experience might leave you with a sliver of health rather than killing you. T10 resilience isn't really big enough of a difference for me to notice though, so I usually just go with 6 on my Warlock and 4 on my Hunter.