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Edited by Guardian5063: 1/31/2025 10:07:24 AM

How about reverting Vex Mythoclast back to 390?

NGL it’s a bit stronger now but it feels like poop 💩 like every other 360 AR in the game. 390 VEX was goated so do us a solid and make it smooth again. Thanks

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  • And give it the correct D1 sound as well please….

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  • Irony of D2 VoG launch Mythoclast being baaaaad because it fired slow then bungie increased the RoF AND buffed it's damage, only to later on undo it all and make it shoot so slow and hit like a wet pool noodle, only good pairing is Rain of Fire exotic and getting the stacks to 5 for the increased stability. Bungie should rework the catalyst to give it the secondary mode at all times (hold square to switch) but alter the line rifle damage accordingly, for the 5 stacks just let it fire the next shot in line rifle mode a fusion rifle but in consecutive shots like a Goblins slap rifle. 3 modes, one gun, they could even then make actual line rifle/slap rifle etc ornaments for it in the cash shop

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  • All 360’s should be changed to 390’s. They feel horrible.

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    • [quote]NGL it’s a bit stronger now but it feels like poop 💩 now like every other 360 in the game. 390 VEX was goated so do us a solid and make it smooth again. Thanks[/quote] Goodluck bud. I’ve been saying this since the rpm change. It’s falling on def ears, as long as they have there graphs that said vex was too good when mixed with reign of fire, there only fix is to make it the worst archetype in the game. They can’t have vex stepping on handcannon usage - which is why we will never see 360s changed to 390, cause at 390 without a damage change. They would be borderline strong 😂

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      3 Replies
      • There's a really simple solution to this. They don't have to revert the rpm to 390, but I feel it would make sense to increase the ROF for increasing the battery level even if it's only temporary. And have kills with its LFR mode increase the ROF or damage for a few seconds based on kills too, let them stack. Adjust all these in pvp since of course that was the reason they nerfed it in the first place, but wtf cares if something is "too strong" in PvE in a game that's supposed to let us live out a "power fantasy"? Each battery level increase the ROF by 5-10 RPM, each kill with the LFR shots increase the ROF by 10-15 once they're used up. Problem solved.

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      • Agree raid exotic should be op

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      • Best take 2025. Bungie, revert the rpm change on vex mytho. It would be nice if the weapon was actually worth using. Right now mine just sits in my vault. I think the last time I used my mythoclast was season of the wish. Who cares if it will be kind of cracked in pvp. It's a raid exotic it should be kind of op. You pvp players will whine and whine no matter what kills you. You're mad cause you got rolled. It has nothing to do with the weapon being too strong. Also, why not just make all 360s including vex 390s? 360 ARs feel like crap. The only 360 that is some what decent is abyss defiant. One last time, yes pvp is unbalanced and guess what, IT WILL ALWAYS BE UNBALANCED!!! Stop ruining weapons for the sake of a game mode that can't be balanced to begin with. Why are they so afraid to let vex be strong? I'm so confused. Plz stop using ROF warlock boots as an excuse because it's not too strong, I mean at all.

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        8 Replies
        • One of my fav guns but can only use it with reign of fire boots. I wish they'd give it incandescent instead of an rpm boost. [spoiler]or, you know, i wouldnt complain with both[/spoiler]

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          • Considering it’s a raid exotic this is probably a good idea.

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          • Normally I hate the “kell of …” names but I think yours is an exception.

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            • I had this weapon the first time around…… simply unconcerned about getting it again whatever they do.

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            • I don't think that will ever happen because of pvp.🤔

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            • Honestly, I feel like unless they massively buff the damage of these slower RPM weapon archetypes, they should just merge weapon types like they did with 150 RPM hand cannons and 140 RPM hand cannons. Everytime I try to use a 360 RPM Auto rifle or a 450 RPM Auto rifle I just want to die. They shoot too slow and don't do enough damage to warrant using. God forbid if you don't have a damage perk activated... Additionally, they will probably never buff the RPM back because of PvP once again interfering with PvE weapons actually being strong. So yeah, -blam!- the PvP players.

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              5 Replies
              • I’d like the reload to actually work when I hit reload not have to keep hitting the button and hope it does it.

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                • All the gear and weapons have needed testing for years. Why ask now!

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                  • YES

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                  • Yes pls

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                  • 🙏🏼

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                  • This.

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