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1/29/2025 12:35:53 AM

Weird Necrotic Grips Interactions

So, I've been messing around with a funky little Necrotic Grips build (although I've been primarily using a Solipsm with Spirit of the Necrotic on it) and noticed some interesting interactions, one of which kinda feels particularly odd, and with which changing would maybe make it just a bit stronger against bosses (my understanding is that the Grips aren't really that great for boss dps (and granted they may be primarily for add clear, but i think if you're punching a boss or whatever, you should get some kinda reward) [u][b]Thorn[/b][/u] First, and this is mostly just because i think it's neat - Thorn triggers the AoE spread of Necrotic Grips, and while a target that is initially poisoned by Thorn receives a non-escalating DoT, those hit by the AoE from a target afflicted by Thorn's poison's death will receive the escalating DoT of Necrotic Grips. Now, if target that's been afflicted by Necrotic Grip's poison is shot by Thorn, the DoT damage will reset, back to it's base value. This makes this combo ill suited for boss dps, but I kinda get it, being able to potentially sustain ~5k damage a tick on a boss + Thorn damage would be a lot (probably, i'm no expert). As an interesting note: Thorn's DoT has a much shorter duration than Necrotic Grips' [u][b]Glaives and Melee[/b][/u] The main part of this now - Glaives (their melee attack, not their shots) and Melee. These are obviously the best pick/intended source for proccing the poison DoT. However, hitting a target a second time (or sometimes third, it was a little inconsistant with Glaives) resets the DoT damage on a target. Now, while this maybe as intended, it seems kind of poor to me - Any target that I can rack up a high DoT on *and* can receive multiple melee hits, I'd rather like to maintain my high DoT on. Also, notably, in the instances where hitting a target doesn't immediately reset the DoT damage, it also does not reset/extend the timer (when damage is reset the timer also seems to reset). If I'm getting up close and personal with a boss, I'd like to be rewarded for playing dangerously, given a lot of boss melees can half health to one shot you, as well as knocking you far away. [u][b]Thoughts/Suggestions[/b][/u] Honestly I think the Thorn/Necrotic Grips interaction is fine - while I would love Thorn to gain the scaling DoT, or at least be able to extend/maintain it via damage, I think it could be too much, however, given that it takes two exotics to do this, maybe some kind of more potent interaction would be nice However, I think that Glaives (and Melee, but you're rarely hitting a target multiple times with melee) constantly resetting the DoT Damage kinda sucks. Again, if I'm up close and personal with something big enough to take my constant attacks and DoT, it'd be nice if my Glaive melee helped me maintain the DoTs damage, rather than actively work against me. Of course, if a source was able to keep the increased DoT up for long durations a) there would either need to be a cap on the DoT's damage growth (I don't know if one exists already, but as it stands currently the DoT can reach ~5k (usually a little under, depends on the enemy) before it expires), or at the very least a fall off in it's rate of growth past a point and b) (potentially) a reduction in the maximum damage the DoT can achieve (I will confess to having limited knowledge of how potent ~5k a tick would be for boss damage, so maybe it wouldn't need a limit, but) I think these changes, at least for Glaives in particular (although i think Melee should also benefit from the same changes, Thorn, as I said, could sit them out, but would be cool to see more interaction between the two), would feel a lot better, rather than sicking a boss with you ramping DoT, only for your attacks to keep resetting the ramping DoT, making that part of the exotic essentially redundant. Some might argue that the point is to let it tick away, then reapply, but that's not really a) super fun or b) practical in most situations, so it would be foolish to have an exotic that does that. (As an additional note to this, I do think it would be nice for the Necrotic Grips AoE on kill to have a slightly larger range, as in using it have frequently found enemies are [i]just[/i] out of range of the effect, making it kinda pointless, and even when it does hit nearby enemies, a good amount of the time, the one'-blam!- are my next target, so the DoT doesn't really get to DoT, so hitting more/further away targets would mean it actually gets a chance to tick.) But yeah, there's some great potential to do some really cool stuff with Necrotic Grips (to my understanding considered a fairly poor exotic) and kinda buff it so it can maybe see more usage in some more DoT and DoT spreading builds.

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