Like everyone else watching the Hersey live stream the words "We're returning to the dreadnaught," are words that have rung in all our heads since we got a small vidoc last summer.
"We're going back to the dreadnaught." this sounds familiar.
"We're going back to mars." Season of the sereph. Everyone got excited. Weapons and load outs primed and one mission that we got to play on mars.
"We're going back to Titan." Season of the deep. Everyone's last excited but thinking we are going on patrol and Savathun's song's strike is coming back annnnnd We get deep dives and a 6 man activity that the only evidence of Titan being back is the ghosts of the deep dungeon still in the game.
And we are back to it "We're going to the dreadnaught." This line has been stuck in my head since last June. Because i know we aren't going back to the dreadnaught and that us going to the dreadnaught is going to be some activity that will disappear after 3/4 months.
The live stream today confirmed everything. Whilst it's nice that the dreadnaught will be able to be explorered in a mode of the activity the charm of loading in and seeing a group of Guardians fighting in the court of Oryx will just not be the same. Why should it be the same? it's not but we are going back to a version of the dreadnaught that isn't what we expected.
What could bungie have done to make this better. As much as people hated season of the haunted. The leviathan came back to us explorable with public events secrets and you could jump in with some Guardians to fight of the nightmares. Why could this concept not be taken for the Dreadnaught. Why couldn't we get a reprised sort of the bomb brother strike with a shadow legion cabal trying to blow the ship up.
While the weapons look interesting and there are eliments such as the vault of glass crafted weapons coming i got half way through the live stream and everything we see we've done before. There isn't anything new there isn't anything that excites me. Whilst i went in with 0 expectations i came out with the same expectations i went in with.
This is someone that seals every season / Episode the first chance they get and as of Revenant i just can't be bothered. Doing 3 runs of the same activity in a row is boring. Repetitive play throughs of now what is some sort of a hybrid patrol mission just doesn't excite me.
Destiny was great when a new season dropped we saw the new toys and we got a new location with new stories, strikes and activity however it feels we are getting less and less every time. Whilst in concept this looks like a good episode it is still very much the same we've had over the past 9 months. Let us have difficult campaign style episode / season missions that challenge us rather than a final boss you can throw a nova bomb at before they have ended their dialogue.
Bungie please give us a season like into the light suprise us give us something new something we can explore something that gives us exotics something that is a crazy event to unlock.
You've done it with whispear of the worm and zero hour why can't we have something along that magic again!
What do you expect ? Bungie has done all they can with this game , they can't even make a seasonal loot system work It's going to be the same song and dance untill they cut the lights off