I don't think it's exactly new that Blink is kinda terrible as a jump atm. From making parkour sections harder, to certain jumps that are damn near to impossible to make. In Kell's Fall, since Blink is considered and ability by the game, you cannot have it equipped while navigating the first section as abilities are disabled. It's also just infintely more finiky than other jumps, and while learning to use it well comes with a sense of accomplishment, it's other shortcomings make this not particularly worth the pay off.
Now some people will say to just use one of the other jumps, since they are much easier to use, and funtion better, but that seems like a silly retort, I mean, if it's in the game, it should be as functional and as usable as the other options, especially as the idea is pretty neat.
So, my personal suggestions for fixing Blink
- [b]Only one teleport that resets on touching the floor, like other jumps[/b] - This was always kinda weird to me that blink worked on this weird recharge system that no other jump did, and a recharge systems that's not always easy to know how many blinks you currently have (yes there's the flash to let you know they've recharged, but it's not the best, and easy to miss). This would also circumvent having a ui element to tell you when your blink is charged, which would be the solution to the easy to miss flash, but would add more clutter to the buffs/debuffs portion of the screen. With the changes below as well, I don't think blink will need a second charge any more.
- [b]Make it go where you're looking[/b] - Rather than doing a tangent to the parabola of the motion of the guardian at time of activation, just have the player teleport the way they are looking. This should account for wasd input, like for Hunter's Strafe Jump, so pressing W will teleport you forward, pressing A will teleport you to the left, D to the right, and S backwards, relative to where you're looking. Not pressing any input would either have you teleport straight up, or straight forwards, either would work, but I think straight up would be more consistant with other jumps. Obviously the teleport distance would be based on momentum and the mobility stat, just like it is for other jumps.
- [b]Don't make it an ability[/b] - It's a jump, not an ability, why is it disabled alongside abilities in spaces where abilites are disabled?
But yeah, these are the changes I think'd make Blink a *lot* more usable, both for new players, but also just making it viable in all area's of the game, rather than being forced to swap jumps just to make a couple jumps. Obviously these are just my thoughts, and if any one has any suggestions it'd be neat to see what other people think. And hopefully all of this might get Bungie to give Blink some love
I just want my hit box to not be stretched
For a beginning player, this might seem like a really good idea, but it would be a little broken in PVP, especially with the Astrocyte Verse on Warlock. The only real counter to Blink in PVP is it's predictability in what direction you go and how far. And since a good portion of the playerbase does PVP, it probably won't happen.