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1/28/2025 8:03:51 PM


would bungie ever consider adding trading to destiny 2? I think it'd add value to armor or repeat rolls or rolls you'd wanna get rid of but a friend wants! surely it'd be a good addition right?

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    Although a novel recommendation, trading wouldn't work in Destiny 2.

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  • No thx.

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  • Trading in any multilayer games goes bad look at Eso the market is inflated. Star wars the old Republic massive inflation. Warframe inflation. Would happen with destiny aswell platers will drive up prices ask for real money which puts actual value as more do it perk combos get price tags. Than people share slightly more or less to beat competitors and you get essentially an arms race for rolls where sells jack up prices for their time spent.

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  • I wouldnt play activities anymore and just trade stuff... oh wait

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  • Check out the digital Pokémon Trading Card game “trading feature” they introduced. As someone else mentioned, the Diablo 3 auction house fiasco. In my opinion, there’s no way to regulate digital assets without destroying the integrity of the game. Put restrictions, and it’s a waste of time. Make it a “free market,” and it will be capitalized and monetized by the haves. Division 2 had a system where you could drop gear for players if they were in your party when said item was obtained. Very situational with random players, but it was fair, I guess? I couldn’t see running VOG, having someone get a duplicate Vex Mythoclast, and doing an eeny meeny miney mo situation. I see that turning into the fastest $ for the drop. That again leads into restrictions like, would someone have to have x amount of clears on an activity to qualify to receive the trade? What about weapon focusing/the grind? Or player “retention”/replayability? That gets undermined with trading. Trading will never happen, nor would it ever work in Destiny 2.

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  • Plz… dont give them anymore ideas that would require proper server management. They cant even get match-matching right, you really want them to try & link your vault/inventory to another player’s ? I can already see the potential bugs : — I trade a basic piece of dungeon armor for the Artifice version of that armor, even tho I’ve never done it on master — I trade a basic naked piece of armor for a fully enhanced version that I dismantle, keeping someone else’s cores & glimmer — I trade a redborder weapon for the non-redborder version & now it doesnt count toward my pattern progress — I do 1 single clear of a raid, unlock 1 weapon, and Bungie lets me trade it for the other raid weapons which I have not unlocked — I trade an exotic with completed catalyst, for a version with no catalyst & now my character is permanently bugged (ehem, WishEnder quest) cuz I cant reacquire a catalyst that I’ve already completed … I just dont believe that Bungie is capable of creating a user-interface that would prevent these kind of bugs, or misuse of the trading system.

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  • Turns into rmt and hacking

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  • No cause they'd run into the diablo 3 auction house problem. That and if you think paid carries for raid weapons or trials gear is bad now, it'll be way worse with people charging hundreds for a raid exotic (which the owner can pull an infinite number of). In theory yeah trading is neat but it'd have to be heavily restricted for it to work such as: Can only trade for x minutes after activity completion and only with members of the fireteam so long as they didn't leave or join during the session (similar to flawless triumphs). Can only trade items that dropped during that session. Exotics of any kind are not allowed, full stop. Adepts of any kind are not allowed. Those are the restrictions I can think of that would either prevent entirely or make selling gear for real money very difficult.

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