Don't know what the mix is of solo vs. Fireteam oriented players in Destiny. I'm solo. Always have been.
What I don't appreciate is having to participate in cooperative activities - by design, in order to advance my guardian's tier.
2 seasons ago, I leveled up to Justiciar (rank 8). That took some time and dedication. It was an adventure and an accomplishment. Gave me some gaming goals.
This season, in order to make it past rank 6, "Veteran", Bungie has applied social engineering to the game, forcing players into cooperative mode game play in order to advance.
I don't have the time, patience or desire to play that way. I'd PAY not to. (I'd pay for Raid gear too, but Bungie won't consider that either).
So, after nearly 10 years of Destiny, I'm gone. I'm done. You've blocked my advancement. You've limited my character's growth and game play. All in the name of forcing me into a gaming style.
Nicely done.
Makes me wonder how many other players have abandoned the game for the same reason? At what subscription cost?
Guardian ranks are pointless. Stop throwing a hissy over a pointless metric that you don't have to engage with for any reason. Also the original point of guardian ranks was to give a quick and easy glance to players who are exceptional. If you can't play with other players then you arent exceptional. Simple as that.