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1/26/2025 2:14:52 AM

Destiny & Social Engineering

Don't know what the mix is of solo vs. Fireteam oriented players in Destiny. I'm solo. Always have been. What I don't appreciate is having to participate in cooperative activities - by design, in order to advance my guardian's tier. 2 seasons ago, I leveled up to Justiciar (rank 8). That took some time and dedication. It was an adventure and an accomplishment. Gave me some gaming goals. This season, in order to make it past rank 6, "Veteran", Bungie has applied social engineering to the game, forcing players into cooperative mode game play in order to advance. I don't have the time, patience or desire to play that way. I'd PAY not to. (I'd pay for Raid gear too, but Bungie won't consider that either). So, after nearly 10 years of Destiny, I'm gone. I'm done. You've blocked my advancement. You've limited my character's growth and game play. All in the name of forcing me into a gaming style. Nicely done. Makes me wonder how many other players have abandoned the game for the same reason? At what subscription cost?

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  • True. Bungie has had a habit of shooting themsrlves in the foot trying to micromanage how players interact with the game. …then ignoring the pushback when players express their frustration either online….or by just walking away. I’ve pretty much done the same. Between the micromanaging and all the bugs…I’m just finding other ways to spend my time now.

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  • Wonder how many others are out there? other Solo folks? yeah I "WAS" one. WAS because I'm also sick of Bungie direction so now i play other games and check the forums out of morbid curiosity while in downtime at work once a blue moon (like today) They hate casuals, hate solo players and this is the games direction without us

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  • [quote] I don't have the time, patience or desire to play that way. I'd PAY not to. (I'd pay for Raid gear too, but Bungie won't consider that either). [/quote] Bro asked for pay to win. Spot the mobile gamer. Bye! GTFO, if I could kick you out the door myself, I would.

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    • Would be interesting to see a straight single player destiny game.

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    • The amount of people missing the entire social engineering point of your post is astounding. Great post, I agree Dont even get me started on the fact that these multiplayer defenders are all single individuals sitting in their bedroom/living room. Who’s having a LAN party? You and your friends all chillin in the rec room passing the controller? Who’s ACTUALLY playing multiplayer. Nobody.

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      15 Replies
      • My guardian rank level is 6, think I was 7 at one point. It’s not something that I feel any sense of investment towards or care about. 🤷‍♀️

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      • The real social engineering is making us believe GR made a difference.

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        • I love these posts. They join a MULTIPLAYER oriented game, then cry when they need to participate in MULTIPLAYER in order to progress in nothing more than a skill ranking system. Grow up.

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          • My 2 cents… Guardian Ranks are like coloured belts in Martial Arts…they are simply a useful visual indicator of a person’s potential, which will be quickly confirmed on the mats…or not! Solo vs. Multiplayer should be an option in any / all activities. Multiplayer mode should be an option for automatic MM or Team Built (play with buds). Seals / Triumphs or GR progression should not be locked behind the current form of highly unpopular ‘forced’ MM activities, eg, the ‘Legend’ Seal. Let people play the way they want to…make stuff optional. People like that… it’s not rocket science! That is all. 🤔 Ease Springs! 🥋 MDGA

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          • What subscription cost? And if you only played to improve your GR, you’re an idiot. Thanks for playing.

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          • You blocked your advancement. They didn't force you into anything. You just don't want to do the optional thing in front of you and have chosen to take your ball and go home instead, which is totally fine btw, but it's your doing, not the game's. Guardian rank 7 requires you play with more people than yourself. You're clearly unwilling to do that. Unwilling is not unable.

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          • Do people actually care about guardian ranks? I used to just play the game to chill out, so maybe I'm out of touch, but guardian ranks seemed pointless. Even in LFG, you could make your own team or find a Discord.

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          • So after 10 years of playing an mmo with 90% of its loot locked behind playing with other people, you got upset about having to play with other people? All for an in-game ranking system that only uses your completion of recent content to portray knowledge in the game? You were done before this happened. Why not admit it?

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          • You would be great at Monopoly.

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          • You lost me at Im Solo

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            • Edited by Scourged One: 1/27/2025 5:09:52 AM
              Jesus people are entitled these days. It's a multiplayer game. What does posting your rant here accomplish other than getting mostly negative attention? Quitting a game you claim to enjoy rather than "suffer," for a whole hour or so with *gasp!!!* another human you don't need to speak to, to increase a number that completely does NOT impact your gameplay at all, is, at best... pretty lame. Have a great day.

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            • Go play Skyrim

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            • A real gaurdian is also a social gaurdian. This is were Bungie wants you to be part of a community. Its a online multiplayer game. You can do it big boy

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              2 Replies
              • Solo players are the vegans of Destiny.

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                • Edited by NotCreative123: 1/27/2025 1:59:14 AM
                  I can't believe you're complaining about... 1) Not being able to pay $$ for weapons 2) Multiplayer modes in a multiplayer game 3) Not being able to level up a meaningless number

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                  • Edited by xbroggiex: 1/27/2025 2:37:02 PM
                    >plays cooperative game >complains about having to play cooperatively with others lmao. [quote]I don't have the time, patience or desire to play that way. I'd PAY not to. (I'd pay for Raid gear too, but Bungie won't consider that either).[/quote] So you don't actually want to play Destiny? Also, lol at wanting to buy raid weapons. [quote]So, after nearly 10 years of Destiny, I'm gone. I'm done. You've blocked my advancement. You've limited my character's growth and game play. All in the name of forcing me into a gaming style.[/quote] lmaoooooo.

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                  • Guardian ranks are pointless. Stop throwing a hissy over a pointless metric that you don't have to engage with for any reason. Also the original point of guardian ranks was to give a quick and easy glance to players who are exceptional. If you can't play with other players then you arent exceptional. Simple as that.

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                  • 👍

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                  • Edited by GradeMyGuardianTTV: 1/27/2025 1:38:18 PM
                    [quote]2 seasons ago, I leveled up to Justiciar (rank 8). That took some time and dedication. It was an adventure and an accomplishment. Gave me some gaming goals.[/quote] . I didn't bother touching [b]Guardian Rank[/b] this season when I saw going from [i]7-8[/i] required me to queue the [b]'Cooperative Focus'[/b] Missions. I just genuinely don't enjoy them- with or without friends. . I don't see an issue in Ranks [i]10 & 11[/i] requiring [b]Raid[/b] participation, but having to queue such a random activity is obnoxious. Like who decided [b]THAT[/b] of everything in the game was what needed to be queued? . Sounds & feels like a timegate & forced carry.

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                  • Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 1/28/2025 8:20:30 AM
                    I think the implementation of social engineering has to do with the loss of player count. Bungie wants what's left together, with the intention to make friends and meet new people. There's nothing wrong with it, but it should always be an option and not to be forced for making further progression. But Bungie was always like a mini-despot, and it's no surprise to me that they once again try to do it their way. Even if it produces mixed feelings (like often) with their agenda. Edit: However, it's just a game and not comparable with what just happens in the real world. Which makes the game again pleasant.

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                  • Edited by nonchalantone: 1/26/2025 3:24:59 AM
                    The 11's seem to care, a lot. Just baffles me. Especially when I see it as a requirement when joining some teams like a GM. Raids I can understand. But other activities? And the ranks literally don't have any purpose but bragging rights and huge time sink numbers.

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