I completed the limited time event for The Drifter and Eris and turned in all the bento boxes. I went to the new vending machine that appeared over by Ada-1, across the hall by the Good Boy Protocol dog. I selected "Collect" and Chatterwhite shader and a Bootleg Tincture appeared on my screen as the Quest "Packed Lunch popped up to say "Quest Completed ".
However, the items appear to be bugged as I received neither item. Chatterwhite does not appear in my shaders nor does it show on the RECENTLY DISCOVERED pag, even though it briefly appeared on my screen as if I had received both items.
Open your Appearance Menu to swap out Shaders and you should find it listed toward the very last page with the Red War entries. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
All the way at end of seasons shaders.