Nation, cantata, crisis inverted, waking vigil, finite impactor. Are all arc. We don't need another arc 140.
We have 1 void 140 with exalted truth which is being re-released. Re-Releasing 2 void 140s would have been fine. But nah.
However this does make me wonder why they'd be scared of 2 void 140s. Unless there would have been 3... Maybe kindled orchid is returning.
Anyways next season... Please make pali void again.
I can say a request I had a while back was to make more good weapons arc so if they came to be too dominant half the lobby could have risk runner on deck to counter it. I don't think Igneous Hammer would have been quite the problem it was if you could stop it from two tapping by just slapping Riskrunner on.