Okay I'm just gonna say what we're all thinking. If you're only gonna stick around for 10 waves, keep your sorry behind out of a wave 50 onslaught run. I go in fully prepared and committed to play for an hour. When we finally get a good synergy going and you leave, you have ruined my wave 50 run.
If you're going to just leave after 10 waves, pick onslaught playlist and stop ruining the game for me. I have lost so many potential wave 50 runs because of this.
Getting to wave 30 and having people dip out before extinguish kicks in is annoying too. Commit, or kick rocks.
Why not " commit" and form your own LFG team with your OWN requirements? Serious question. Why depend on random people who don't know if you're going to do the same thing to them? Unless you did that and they still bailed.