I logged in on 1/21 and my accounts were just fine, however apon logging in today 1/22, all three of my characters are deleted, every thing i worked for and more. If it possible to roll everything back... I dont want to stop playing but I refuse to start over...
Account: Scrub#8761
I hope you didn’t waste too much money into trials services.
shouldn't let people on your account dude, nothing else much to say
Win trading is a bannable offense (referring to your Trials history), and so are paid carry services. You're lucky to even have an account to use. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Hmmm, I wonder what happened here...
Curse the consequences of your own actions, am I right?
Always be careful you let on your account.
You're done bud. Even if you were innocent, which you aren't, they'd not help you.... Time to move on, or start again.
Classic sign of using certain services
Bungie doesn't restore lost or deleted items/characters for any reason.