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1/13/2025 10:49:51 PM

warlock exotic armour buffs / ideas wishlist

[u]I dont play other classes enough so i dont have anything to add to the discussion for them, but feel free to talk about them in the replies![/u] im going to be including explinations for my thinking as i dont think just asking for A buff is much use but this is going to be a bit long because of that sorry. 1) Chromatic Fire, precision kills should give a reload speed buff like dragonfly does. this would add to the variety of pvp exotics that are viable and would be a nice quality of life buff in pve. 2) Scout rifle themed exotic. as the scout rifle was warlocks destiny 1 class weapon they should make an exotic themed around this, something to the likes of lucky pants and peacekeepers with their "target lock" effect. warlocks currently only have 2 weapon archetype exotics and only one of them buffs the weapons damage, this is also a non stacking damage buff that is obtainable outside the exotics use (I'm not saying rain of fire is bad by any means its one of my most used exotics), in addition i want something that isnt for special ammo wepones, espescialy since both the other classes have plenty of options for both primary and special. 3) Necrotic Grips. the exotic feels fine, I've been using it more recently but I wish that finishers would spread poison too. 4)Promethium Spur. I dont really have an exact idea on how they could really buff this, it feels extremely dated. maybe if it also cast both the rift types on regular activation that would help it out a bit? would definitely be interesting in pvp. 5)Apotheosis Veil. it should intrinsically have "ashes to assets" and "hands on" would definitely create a more interesting gameplay and would add a neutral game which it heavily lacks. 6) Verity's Brow. ornament. 7) And finally Winters Guile. I think if the perk worked more like close to melee where it resets the timer with each melee hit it would help it with beefier targets, turn it into an all or nothing exotic, you either have the buff and can keep it as long as you're in melee range or you lose it all once the timer runs out like it currently does. especially in higher end content where you can one shot melee any target it would help (specifically with glaives. dont try using your unpowered melee on everything) this effect could also be disabled in pvp if it causes too many problems, especially with how prominent abilities are currently and how close range weapons outside of shotguns and fusions are unusable alone. (not the highest skill player so correct me if I'm wrong here)

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  • I’ll ad to the list Rime-Coat. Standing in the Frost Storm SHOULD grant Frost Armor 🤦‍♂️ such a missed opportunity. And before anyone says Rime-Coat is already too strong, it’s not. It’s just cuz of the current Stasis focused season we’re in. I promise you outside of a Stasis heavy season it’s weakness will show

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