We have 5 missions in the mission rotator right now
Vox, Seraph's, Presage, Avalon & Starcrossed
They are PRIMARILY used for the Deepsight weapons from previous seasons
In my case, I have Seraph weapons left to get, I do Standard & Expert runs for my guaranteed 2-5 rng red borders & call it a week, month, actually, since it takes 28 days for Seraph's Shield to come back.
And once year of TFS finishes, there'll be another 2 missions from this year in the rotator, making it basically a month & half.
With Apollo, please please [i]please[/i] add 2 nodes that rotate missions, pretty much like how the new R&D rotator works.
pst, selectable activity sliders for oth normal and master version of all exotic missions
My thoughts on what they should do. Basically what the raid/dungeon are now. All exotic missions are available all the time, and can be run once per character per week. And featured one/two can be farmed. No reason to have them hidden.
I hate it so much, I just want to build guns:(
It should just be a drop-down list where you can get say 3 red borders per mission per week and one pinnacle on a featured mission per week.
apparently, a bigger hole digger is that heresy is gonna have [i]another[/i] exotic mission. that's gonna be 8 missions, literally the same amount of raids that we had for the dual rotators when tfs came out
shameless bump