As we all know, the state of PvP is...not good, to say the least. Whether it be soft cheats/IMD's (which another user has brought attention to again within these forums), or full-blown hacking, flying around and gunning everyone down.
Firstly, I'd like to discuss the playerbase. As anyone who has played that much PvP lately has noticed, quickplay includes significantly less players, so little to the point of matching people you played with recently, perhaps earlier that day or last match, in every single lobby. This is to be expected though and is nothing new.
Secondly, building off the first point, this lack of player bulk extends to both comp and trials. Again, nothing new. But regardless, the committed players that stay generally stay in one of these 3 game modes, which seem to be the most popular game modes. This concentration of skilled, committed players is VERY unwelcoming to new players trying to dip their toes in the water, so to speak. Let me clarify, this is not me complaining. I had a friend who has played other PvP-focused games competitively, and tried to come to this game. He immediately was turned off from it, after he consistently was put in lobbies of sweats and stacks. So he left. Not saying there can't be good players on the other team, but when it's ALWAYS all good players? No wonder. Again, not me complaing about a lack of SBMM or whatever, simply pointing out the difficulties of a new player in PvP.
Lastly, yesterday I made [b]2[/b] posts (I never really even make posts) about raising awareness about a group of HARDCORE cheaters. That I can't name. The first post was taken down by a mod (for naming the group, lol), the second post was locked by another. I understand the forum rules, but they are CHEATERS. The more people know and talk about them, the more likely they are to get banned and taken care of. At least that's how I'd hope it'd go. Either way, this is NOT how PvP is going to get better.
We have to think about the bigger picture here. The game's already going down, and if any of us are still playing, I'd expect us to do everything we can to try to save it. Or keep trying. But after that, I'd say I'm much less motivated as I was to do so, but I digress. Remember, ALWAYS report cheaters. [b]Always[/b]. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Good luck everyone.
Even console, hardware cheaters have plagued the game its entire life. You can only get so good at the game when you’re basically the only one in a lobby not cheating every game