When are yall gonna expand on the other foundries? We have more than enough omolon, suros, veist, and hakkë, where's more of nadir, cassoid, tex mechanica, crux lomar, and daito? Yes, we have their "top tier" exotics but what about the legendaries?
Yall introduced tex mechanica legendaries in spire of the watcher with a scout, lmg, dbl gl, and sidearm and refused to elaborate (that foundry perk needs work though if we're being honest)
Yall slapped the nadir brand on a few legendaries which wasn't too bad but again, refused to elaborate
Cassoid yall did better on but only made a HC, Pulse, fusion, and rocket
Daito has been weird for a while cause yall ONLY choose to use them for advertisement easter eggs, from scourge of the past, guardian games cosmetics, and a random plug-in prophecies moonfang armor
The same goes for Crux lomar, yall only brought out the exotics for memorabilia and to gloss over the games drought
Could make a whole new event that'd replace faction wars, call it "arms race". Let Crow, Banshee, Hawthorne, and Ada be the focal characters behind it. Coordinate with Crow and help Hawthorne recover lost foundry cargo/schematics in heavy enemy territories for Ada to replicate (remember she's a living, breathing, walking forge) and for Banshee to upgrade his inventory.