This could possibly be the BEST option for bringing back some older UPDATED and seasonal gear, as well as giving a reason to actually visit patrol zones outside of the dawning (be honest when was the last time you visited Devrim or Nessus failsafe?)
Just a rough draft of how they could literally assign it with little to no serious changes, red borders would still keep respective drop rates, and planetary vendors could give focusing options
EDZ: field-forged weapons, black armory world drops (not the actual weapons, just the upgraded ones like Galliard-42 XN7568), and maybe even some older gambit weapons
Nessus: leviathan and/or season of the worthy weapons (such a broad arsenal that it can cover EVERYTHING)
Moon: dreambane and undying weapons
Europa: Europa and Braytech/Warmind/Ikelos weapons
Throne world: throne world and season of the witch weapons
Dreaming city: queens arsenal, season of the lost and wish weapons
Cosmodrome: season of the risen, seraph, and plunder
Edited by Him: 1/11/2025 11:56:22 AMIve been saying this for a minute. Like how division has it set up. Each section of the map and each activity has specific type of gear that drops there then there's a farm-able "hoard" mode where you get to pick what you want drops to focus on. If division wasn't such a snooze fest I'd play that everyday. Having a world difficulty is so good, and the random rogue agent encounters are cool Destiny is due for a patrol overhaul