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Edited by TuxyDoh: 1/9/2025 1:03:01 PM

Rocket assisted frame sidearm vs scorn frisbee gun

Yet another casualty of weird coding choices. Grenade launcher rounds, thrown grenades, nova bombs, rocket assisted sidearm shots. Since the start of this episode, basically everything bigger than a regular bullet runs the risk of getting shot out of the air or detonated in our faces when up against Scorn, especially those purple scorn frisbee guns. (Though I’ve seen Taken wizards aggressively track and destroy nova bombs as well) This is a space fantasy game. Surely can forgo a bit of realism in exchange for fun? [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • It's not just explosive rounds, ALL bullets you fire can be intercepted(I don't know if I spelled it right) by scorn weapon fire, I remember a month(ish) ago I was in a master lost sector in the throne world, dueling an overload scorn, after the stun, it was firing back at me, & my SMG shots were clashing with the void frisbees, we were shooting each others bullets out of the air, thankfully I did win, but I don't know if I would call it cool, or BS that it happened.

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  • projectiles also stop you in mid air making you fall to death. like why is a tiny it of arc shrapnel able to erase your momentum? also all projectiles keep breaking my projectiles, hence why i hate gls, rockets, etc. bc of self damage

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  • Edited by Zodleon: 1/10/2025 3:10:52 AM
    I think ads going out of their way to frantically destroy the purple void death ball is a cool idea personally. (Or missile projectiles) If intelligently applied it could be a layer of difficulty impacting weapon choice that would actually be interesting and give value to potential perks (that do not exist yet) to counter them. As a quick example, let's say scorn like to target rocket based weapons, have a perk that causes a damaging shrapnel explosion if it is destroyed mid air in a cone in front of it. I doubt that will happen though, or that it's intentional as it is, but we can dream

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    • Edited by jhermannITJ: 1/10/2025 3:38:33 AM
      I thought I was losing my mind. Or Hit Reg is super ****ed up right now. Point blank... sometimes they don't even need to shoot. Ghost'in' Abby shots. If I were to have one criticism of the new mission... because you're talking about Scorn teleporters in the new mission. I know you are. On expert... they suck a lot. Pulling my hair out. I'll just be standing there looking at those arches during the bomber fight... as the cloud buffers in the architecture for 3 seconds while I lose my Ovy stun, and it fully regens... Then teleports wherever it wants... behind me sometimes, and Abby be ghostin'. So ****in' annoying, lol.

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    • Buff scorn weapons so it can one shot guardians in supers and ovrrshields

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      • It's so funny to me that this is being met with sadness and anger instead of it being cool that enemies can do that now. Feels like there's a portion of players that think fun is just tearing through wet papaer bags over and over again.

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