Jumped in.
Zero audio, except the critical health shield break noise
Hello there, Thank you for your report. We understand that you encountered audio issues during an exotic mission. We're sorry to hear of this, as we can imagine how this might have impacted your experience. If you haven't already, we recommend trying to clear the game cache to see if it helps with the underlying issue. We've included a [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049199051-Clearing-the-Console-Cache]link [/url]to help you with this, if needed. If this issue recurs after the troubleshooting, then please consider reviewing our [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049196431-Destiny-Audio-Guide]Audio Guide[/url] to ensure your settings are optimized for Destiny 2. If your settings appear to be in order, but this issue persists, then please let us know if it's only happening on this particular mission, and which exotic mission it is. We'll then look into this further.