If there ever is an exotic version of this scout, can it get Firefly+meganeura, or even precision instrument+meganeura?
Maybe even give it explosive payload so it can sway more on the kaboom side
I want it to feel like a kinetic Polaris lance, but also for it to do its own thing
Maybe it can even have a kinetic/stasis/strand version of the fundamentals, and do an explosion like Polaris with the debuff depending on the kinetic/darkness type.
The explosion can freezes/slow/shatter, sever/unravel/suspend, and well for kinetic it can get extra damage in pve or have kinetic tremors and firefly 🤔
If they do, they should go all out crazy and allow the meganeura explosion to stack infinitely as long as the target doesn't heal. Killing a champion with nothing but precision hits nukes all enemies currently loaded.
I feel like doom of Chelchis needs the crotas end origin trait so it can have all 3 light explosions (firefly + dragonfly + cursed thrall explosion)
There is an exotic that's better than SR3 It's called Polaris Lance