Your own pride is draining this game out of players and you guys are too stubborn to admit it.
We have been telling you for years that encounters needs to give out both armors and weapons to be worth going back to and yet we are still hearing about players feedback.
It’s not all Pete mess, a lot of this mess falls on the game director too.
Stop being so STINGY
I finally did the newest dungeon again due to friends wanting me to help. I've only ever gotten the helmet, gauntlets, and chest piece. I got... a helmet. Then gauntlets. Then more gauntlets. Then another helmet. I skipped the 2nd free chest because it's pointless. I'll never waste my time in a dungeon again. I'd uninstall this trash but my best friends demand I keep demeaning myself. I've actually come to detest this game as of late, largely because I feel forced to play it due to wanting to be helpful etc to my buddies. But my god, this game is utter trash now. Just putrid.