Im trying to unlink/deactivate my Playstation account , unable to do so because I need to authenticate my steam account the it no longer exist since many years ago , only on my playstion I was able to authenticate but it not let me to deactivate . I did contact steam and playstation unable to help they provide me with the feed back to contact Bungie. Bungie should be the one capable to resolve this issues. How I can remove my Play station account?
Hello Boricua, Thank you very much for reaching out to us. To add to what Tactiic has mentioned, we encourage you to review our [url=]Cross Save Guide[/url] for more information on how Cross Save works.
As you have cross-save enabled, your only option is to regain access to the account or neither accounts can be moved. Bungie will not get involved to override or alter your cross-save setup. If Steam will not recover/help then you are stuck as-is.