Hello I bought all the dlc's except the expensive last one.
I would like to play the story and all bonus things like raids and dungeons in chronological order.
I want to start the Last Wish raid and play with randoms but I read that raids last 5-6 hours. I cant play that long, is there any other way to do this. Why does it take so long.
If you attempt a raid and everyone is new and no one knows what their doing; yes i'd expect it may take 5-6 hours. If you find a single sherpa and 5 other new players who are average skilled, most olde raids take approx 2-3 hours. If you find a sherpa team of 3 sherpas with 3 new players, most older raids take approx 2 hours. If you find a sherpa team of 5 with you being the only new player, most older raids take approx an hour.