Hello I bought all the dlc's except the expensive last one.
I would like to play the story and all bonus things like raids and dungeons in chronological order.
I want to start the Last Wish raid and play with randoms but I read that raids last 5-6 hours. I cant play that long, is there any other way to do this. Why does it take so long.
If you attempt a raid and everyone is new and no one knows what their doing; yes i'd expect it may take 5-6 hours. If you find a single sherpa and 5 other new players who are average skilled, most olde raids take approx 2-3 hours. If you find a sherpa team of 3 sherpas with 3 new players, most older raids take approx 2 hours. If you find a sherpa team of 5 with you being the only new player, most older raids take approx an hour.
Edited by CORPERATE COMMANDER: 1/3/2025 12:31:05 PMNope they are Too long hence the low player completion rate bungie forget people have lives outside the game
Crota Entrance:8 hours The rest of the raid:15 minutes
Lol hahaha who is gonna tell him that he got baited by bungie
I wouldn't start with LW; DSC or VoG are better options for a newbie.
With a solid team, most raids are done in 1-2 hours. With a bad team, your looking at 8+ hours if no one quits first. With a meh team, 3-4 hours
Raids can range from 30 minutes (fully stacked team) to 6+ hours (completely new players/blind run).
You’ll lose your mind on raids
The time a raid takes will depend massively on how experienced everyone is. If you go in with 6 that have never touched whichever raid it is with no idea at all you could be there for days. If everyone has watched a video or two is communicating etc. Then most should get done in an hour or two. Once you have everyone knowing the raid most can be done in under an hour. Some in just 20-30 mins.
Depends. If you have half of the fireteam with experienced players and not all burgers and you aren’t doing a garbage raid like salvations edge, probably 2-3 hours b
Most raids take about an hour or 2, depending on your groups competency level. If you're a team of 6 with little experience, they can most certainly take much longer. Life will be much easier if you can find at least 1 person who knows what's going on to guide the team. Last Wish is on the longer side of D2s raids and does ask for a bit more teamwork than others do so if that's where you want to start, I'd very much recommend finding someone experienced to help. Do yourself and your future team a favor and watch a guide on YT (you don't need to memorize it) so you are familiar with what lies ahead. Some familiarity can save everyone a lot of time and frustration. Raids are some of D2s best content and are fun with the right people. If you do come across a bad group, don't write off raiding right away, and keep searching.