I want to buy Silver on my main account on my PS5, but also, I'm waiting for the 90-day timer to be up so I can cross save to my PC. I have about 60-days left, so just letting it reset if so is not an option. If I buy Silver on my PS5 account, will it reset to 90-days again? Just to be clear, when I am finally able to initiate the cross save, my PS5 account will be the primary, that's why I'd be buying the Silver on that account.
Hello there[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/902560216871239752/989591085506515074/Hellothere.gif],[/url] The purchase of Silver does reset the timer for the DEACTIVATION of cross save. It has no bearing on the activation. Activation is a set 90 days from the date that cross save was deactivated on each account. [quote]The following actions will impact a player’s ability to enable or disable Cross Save: - Players who disable Cross Save cannot re-enable Cross Save until 90 days after it was disable - [b]Players who purchase Silver cannot [i]disable [/i]Cross Save until 90 days after the Silver was purchased[/b][/quote]