Hello, today I went to do a Nightfall in the easiest difficulty because it was helping a new light and then the seeker put us in a game already underway, but what surprised me was that when I entered the game, the only player there was a new light and he was more than 1hour and 40 minutes in the match.(I recorded the gameplay to check the total time of the match)
So I decided to do a test, lowered my power below 2000, equip parts with power 1900, which I have in my safe and I went to do the same Nightfall, then the search engine put me with players of equivalent power between 1930 and 1960
I tested 3 matches and in all 3, the players were below the required power, alone and in two of these matches, these players in it for about 1 to 2 hours in the match, without any stronger player enter.
Don’t know if it’s intentional, but it seems to me that the searchers are only pairing players with equivalent power, leaving "New Light" players stuck for hours in these activities, just like it happened in Xur’s activity from the birthday pack.
This was insane to try out, I did 10 Nightfalls at 1994 power as that was as low as I could go since I have been upgrading all my vault every time I get a Pinnacle drop, and almost every game I was with other 199X players, but I did see a handful of higher level players. I did another 6 at my normal level and sure enough, every game was around my same level. Not even a single 199X which I was playing with over the past few hours. It is absolutely criminal how poorly this works. Bungie should be ashamed of themselves with how badly their code is. Between this, flawed Events, broken Tonics, Weightgate, and who knows what else we haven't confirmed yet, they just need to drop everything they are doing and have everyone go through this game to fix the game rather than adding anything new to try and "win" us back.
Bungie implemented a system that was supposed to put low light players with high light players, because the new system brings everyone up to the same light level as the highest one. So if you are 2030 and a 1950 is in with you, you are all 2030. This is a design feature that was implemented and encourages players with low light to enter an activity with matchmaking with the realistic expectation that they will be matched with someone with a high light level and all can work on the strike. Not a carry nor a grind against the wall. OP is pointing out that this system is a complete failure, but instead this community is saying that everyone who tries to utilize this new system is actually an idiot for not grinding away and being 2030 LL as soon as they log in. This game deserves to fail, and a majority of you people need to be taught a real lesson. Worst group of people I’ve ever interacted with in my entire life. This community.
Holy moly. I gotta nerf my power and help the New Lights! #ProtecttheKinderGuardians
Read this post and fired up the NF playlist to help new players… carried 2 1960s to the boss fight… got guitared out haha the game is a joke
It's far worse than you imagine. Ever since lightfall most of the seasonal stuff is 2010-2020, so you get 3 guys going in at 1950 & just dying over & over & over. No wonder people give up. Savathuns spire was particularly brutal, champions, arc burn with hundreds of enemies shooting arc at you, no cover, hive guardians, & they match you into it as soon as the season started, 3 guys 50 under power together. I'm not a new player, just on a new account, & I started last seasons quest yesterday, I got by under level & it's painful & then midway they make you run that long exotic quest, I did it solo because I've done it hundreds of times so I knew were to go & what to do but new or low level players won't have a clue. I tried enigma protocol too, it sends you in there at 1950, it's 2040, that's pinnacle cap +30, there's almost 0 players that high lol. Literally guys dying at the start over & over & over. I watched 1 guy using a pulse on a barrier champ, he'd shoot it & then it would regen, repeat. He used supers, rockets, & after 10 mins it was still full health & fully shield. I was waiting to see if he adapted but he never did. I killed it when someone joined & we finished in 50 mins. He got 40 kills, in 50 mins.
I bounce around in the lower NF for fun and will always pick up new lights or any team member if they're downed. Sometimes I wonder if new lights think I'm an -blam!- for speeding round tho.
Edited by Yash: 12/31/2024 7:27:50 AMMultiple new players have told me that when they try matchmaking, they often end up paired with other new players, making it a struggle. Their experience has been very different compared to the people I get matched with in matchmade PVE activities. I suspect that years ago, some people complained about being forced to carry new players, and Bungie changed the matchmaking system so that newbies end up with other newbies instead of more experienced players. On the same note I also learned that before Guardian Rank 5, players don't even have mods enabled. Imaging being in a fireateam doing an activity were everyone has non-masterworked armor pieces in the 50s stats, no mods (no resist mods, etc), missing aspects and fragments, weapons with rolls that are probably funny, and underpowered. Yeah the game actually is much harder for them than when us more experienced players do those activities.
🤷♂️ bungie hates new players. And based on recent events, they hate veterans that aren't in the top %. Games not for casual players anymore.
Bungie created Shaw Han. That’s all you need to know for Bungie’s care for New Lights.
Edited by Killapete232: 12/31/2024 7:10:38 PMGuardians we have a new operation for those interested, Operation Blueberry Jam is under way. The vanguard has requested that you equip lower level gear to help out some blueberries in a jam all across the system.. Start by helping them out one by one, make your way to the heart of this mess and help clean it up. We need those preserves brought back in one piece. Killapete232 Hunter Vanguard
This is why bringing the power grind back makes no sense. If the shared power level is supposed to help alleviate those that don't want to power grind from grinding. Then why does bungo's matchmaking instead try to match to those of similar power level instead of putting them with stronger guardians that can actually help?
Feliz Ano Novo Guardiões
Perspective: A top raid streamer (DATTO) in the world has 28 salvations edge clears in 80hrs playing JUST that raid. This is NOT fun Bungie
This has always been in the game and being on power for an activity is “recommended” for a reason. The Dares thing was only of note because, iirc, you were spawned into an instance of Dares the moment you logged in and so naturally players would assume they should complete it. While base nightfalls are not particularly difficult, you can certainly imagine getting a 1920 gamer in your Tomb of Elders run might negatively impact your experience (and the total loot you get at the end) and therefore it is a logical quality control measure to separate lower power players in matchmaking pools for some activities. Nothing is forcing the new player into this activity and they have the agency to leave at any point. It’d be like arguing because a new player sees a pinnacle drop behind a raid and can load in, then they should be able to complete it solo and under power. Clearly it is irrational to craft the game under the assumption that new players can’t read or decide how to use their time as they see fit. If a player “wasted” 2 hours in a nightfall underpowered, likely, they knowingly accepted the difficulty and were determined to complete it. To come to any other conclusion strips the player of their agency in the matter. Despite what much of the Destiny community would have you believe, there are a lot of gamers who love a good challenge.
Don't nightfalls tell you the recommended light level? That's not on bungie. Thats on players not reading the screen.
I think bungie needs to make a seperate strikes and nightfalls tailored to newer lights that can help them get into the game better and help prepare/ level them up properly. Ever since bungie had change the match making where just about anyone join regardless whether they have the proper gears and/ or level is what causing more of a problem. On the original destiny, there was a separate strikes aimed at lower levels and then theres the more normal/ harder ones. I think bungie is trying to make a one size fit all when everyone is a bit different. Plus destiny 2 is missing alot of the older stories/ strikes which can leave new players a bit clueless or at a lost.
[quote]Don’t know if it’s intentional,[/quote] It's intentional, years ago we had a community thing with Dares and helping new lights/low power players dubbed 'Operation save the new lights'. It ended with players that did the requirement (it was a broad complete a DoE run rather than a lowering your power run) getting the 'Circumflex Diacritic' emblem.
That's an interesting note and lowering power level to maybe get some of the blueberries. I have no issue helping them so will start doing that! Well as long as its not a battlegrounds!!! Grrrrrrr Battelgrounds grrrrrrr. Actually I don't mind them if running with people who know 'enough' how to deal with the final boss, or I go in with a healing loadout and just sit back and keep them alive.
That’s just sad. How can new lights enjoy this game? This is a new low for Bungie.
I will drop my power and help the new lights… that’s really bad matchmaking…
I’ve seen posts about this from the other side too, where new players get paired with experienced ones then are left trying to catch up to speed runners in strikes. Probably need some kind of playlist that matches new players with old who are willing to Sherpa players. Not sure if there is much demand or even player base for something like this.
Edited by SCRFY N3RF HRDR: 12/31/2024 8:49:07 PMHow many players are being taken advantage of by Bungie? I used to be a new light and if it weren’t for some goated gamers I wouldn’t have the account I do today. Dropping my power so I can do what Bungie can’t.
Nah let them learn through brim stone and fire. Don’t get me wrong I have no problem helping lower lights but match making of light level isn’t killing the game. It’s bungie not actually having a campaign that sums up everything from d1 into d2. Also not explaining what champions are and what weapons to use against them.
Maybe it’s a clue that players under power shouldn’t be attempting these activities until they have a well established understanding of the game, the mechanics, builds and Loadouts.
Looks like I might have some incentive to play again, going to load up on old gear and run strikes. When I get paired with people struggling I'll level up and let them have fun!