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Edited by Monkey77Madness: 12/30/2024 7:45:30 PM

?A Gift in Return? or maybe an emblem?

Granted I have 2 of the three emblems already and I am only missing the Ikora one, but still. The drop rate for A Gift in Return is absolutely abismal. I just gave Saint 14 cookies and got 1 gift in return. But yet I have 1133 Dawning Spirit Shooting out of my *** and nothing to do with that. I am not saying they are the best looking emblems in the world, but when the Dawning goes away and so do they then I will have that empty spot. Delivering over 200 cookies now just this dawning and only a small fraction getting a gift in return is sad. It seemed easier before to get Essence of Dawning to actually make cookies, but that has become the new grind which is by far not fun at all. I lost the excitement for this dawning around the same time that my event card was done and I still only had the 2 emblems. If that is not bad RNG then I do not know what is. In the future though, I would say that Bungie, you should not tie something like an event only emblem that has an almost non-existant drop chance to a gift in return which also has an almost non-existant drop chance. Grinding for stuff like this does not make the game fun and rewarding it makes the game dull and cumbersome and a big reason why people stop playing for large periods of time. I was excited for the Dawning this time around, I wanted to bake cookies and get the emblems and what not, then tah-dah, this is what became of it. We really do not enjoy this kind of reward based system bungie, you have given us either open for a chance at an emblem that you can only get now or go for a roll on a gun that you can only get now...So many burnt cookies, well there should have been at least at this point Edit: With the final cookies delivered just so i could get 1 more mark from Xur that brings my total cookies delivered this event to 212 with a very small fraction getting gifts in return and only the two emblems. 'Head Shaking' What a waste Bungie What a waste!

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