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Edited by Iccotak: 12/30/2024 1:51:44 AM

Timeline Reflections & Seasons

The timeline reflections needs an overhaul to include the story beats of past seasons. They improve the story of expansions because they provide crucial context to understanding the story. Like: - Crow becoming Risen and then a Guardian of the last city - Caitl and her Cabal legion joining Earth - Mithrax and his House of Light joining the Last City - Savathun possessing Osiris and her deal with the Awoken Queen - Saladin joining Caitl’s council - The return of Eramis and her journey to leave the forces of the Witness - Crow gaining the memories of his past self - Emperor Calus joining the Witness through the Pyramid in the Moon - the sacrifice of Rasputin - What is the Veil?! - the death of Amanda - Eris Morn becoming a Hive God and banishing Xivu Arath - The deal Mara made with Riven to save her eggs in exchange for a last wish - Crow meeting Cayde in the Pale Heart - what’s going on with the Echoes So much happens in a year, that these Seasons are basically the other half of the expansions - this is especially so for Lightfall which relied on Seasons to provide answers for questions made in the expansion. This is basically the lore situation of the first game all over again, where players had to go outside of the game in order to learn and understand the story - which was terrible for the game. Now expansion stories keep mentioning things that happen in the Seasons, which players have to read about or watch on YouTube instead of experiencing it in the game. Not organically taking the player through the story and throwing them into the latest content is too overwhelming for both New and Returning Players. You have to ease them into it and tell the story. And at the very least starting from Shadowkeep or Beyond Light, [b]including the seasonal story beats would enrich the expansions significantly[/b]. It is often noted within the community that some of these seasons are peak storytelling in the game. It would provide context for the battlegrounds and strikes that were included in past seasons. As well as make the dev time done to make those seasons less of a waste of time and resources. Also Crow mentions the narrative hooks for this year’s episodes. Once that content is removed, it’s going to be really weird for players trying the Final Shape for the first time to hear Crow mention those things only for nothing to come of it. Now that the Final Shape is done, and there is less of a rush to catch everyone up, please [b]PLEASE[/b] - go back and overhaul the timeline reflections system, make the more of the story replayable. It would vastly improve the game. And in turn get more people interested in playing and sticking through.

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  • It really is a shame they started a project with so much promise and then dropped it with only two updates so far, for content that for the most part already still exists in the game.

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  • Edited by Iccotak: 12/30/2024 1:33:15 AM
    I’d also like to add this point: Just constantly making new content and not investing in the base game/existing content is terrible design. Making expansions, that are merely a year old, irrelevant is terrible design and leaves money on the table. The successful games not only introduced new content, but they also improve the game that is available.

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