Strand hunter
Multi barred (8 mini bars) (like valor for spartan rage in GoWR)
Each activation will summon a small strand staff that can be slammed into the ground or thrown (heavy for slam, light for throw)
Throws will damage targets and spawn tangle (removes cooldown)
Slams will grant yourself and nearby allies woven mail and boost strand weapon damage.
One and done
Throw two strand axes into the ground, creating a severing burst on impact
Then, guardian uses grapple to grab the axes, pulling them back and throwing them once again in a higher damage move.
Stasis hunter
Wields Two kamas. Heavy attacks create slowing field and killing frozen/slowed enemies grants frost armor once super is done.
One and done
Wields One large scythe. Throw it into a surface or enemy doing large damage and freezing them on impact and creates ring of stasis crystals around the impact site.
Solar titan
Multi-barred (4 mini bars)
Multi activation. solar hammer raised into the air. Cures and applies restoration to yourself and allies. Also grants radiant and high damage increase to all solar weapons. Activating each “mini super bar” reloads all weapons
Arc titan
Wields two arc maces. (Like the little handles with the chain attaching the spiky ball part) hits with these maces grants an arc overshield. Kills grant amplify. Built in cancel where guardian jumps into the air and slams down into the ground and has a large jolting burst.
Stasis titan
Wield a large pure stasis heavy machine gun. Every bullet applies slow. Kills spawn a stasis crystal and shattering the crystal grants nearby allies frost armor and generate stasis ability energy for allies.
One and done
Throw a series of large stasis shards/crystals. The impact of each projectile creates a slowing field and freezes targets on impacts
Strand titan
Wield two strand shields. Blocking creates a large barrier and grants allies behind it woven mail.
Simple light strikes. Regular hits nothing crazy.
Throw one of the shields and it will bounce between targets, severing each one hit. Blocking with the other shield right before it returns to you will create a large impact, which creates a large suspending burst. Activate your super again to throw both shields, bouncing between each suspended target.
Multi-barred. (6 mini bars)
(Has precision damage)
For each summon, throw a strand javelin into an enemy or surface. This javelin will turn into an extra explosive and powerful tangle. Throwing a javelin into a tangle will create a suspending burst and create a few threadlings
Arc warlock
Multi-barred (4 mini bars)
Each activation gives nearby allies amplify and an enhanced arc spirit. Also grants large damage increase to arc weapons. Each activation also gives nearby allies an arc shield. Makes all arc weapons jolt on hits. Arc ability and weapon kills create an ionic trace.
Stasis warlock
One and done
Summon a large stasis spear. Embeds itself into the surface of target hit and emits damaging pulses. Each pulse reloads stasis weapons and grants an escalating boost to stasis weapon damage.
Multi-barred (3 mini bars)
Summon a small horde of stasis sprites (Like shadow thralls but made of stasis) that attack nearby enemies. Each hit by a sprite slows the target it hit. A sprite’s death spawns a small stasis crystal. Destroying these crystals while the super is still active creates two sprites for each crystal destroyed. (Does not shatter)
Each activation summons more sprites.
Each activation has an escalating slow effect to the guardian and takes away a little bit of health. Slow and health loss are revoked when every usable mini super bar is empty. (Ex. First activation is slow 25, second is +25 or 50, and third activation is 75.
Strand warlock.
One and done
Summon a huge army of MANY threadlings. (Like a LOT). MANY.
Each kill made by a threadling will create a severing burst and another threadling
Summon a pure strand heavy grenade launcher that shoots tangles. Hitting a single target with multiple tangles creates a suspending burst and strand weapon damage boost. Killing a suspended targets grant woven mail.
[u][b]Exotic armor that upgrades super ability.[/b][/u]
2nd Stasis: more and larger stasis crystals on scythe impact
2nd Stand: now pulls out the axes a third time and throws them back again for another high damage move.
Arc: maces now jolt on hits
Solar: each activation sends out flames that scorch nearby targets
2nd Stasis: now only throws one large shard/crystal that does a lot more damage but removes the slowing field.
2nd Strand: shields do more damage to strand debuffed targets and kills now grant woven mail
Now each summon grants an additional arc spirit (up to 2)
Arc spirit kills now create a small lighting strike
1st Stasis:
Each pulse now grants one stack of frost armor and stasis ability energy
1st Strand:
Lord of the Threadlings
Increases amount of threadlings made on initial activation. Each threadling kill will now spawn two threadlings
Edited by Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge: 12/29/2024 1:55:05 AMSpam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
All I read was multi barred and I can tell you thats going to be ten quintillion times more annoying then blue titan crayon in someway [spoiler]Reason: its a green crayon for HUNTERS[/spoiler]