Which one would you like to see come back.
Armor charge is essentially charged with light. Just give us some of the charged with light mods adapted to armor charge. Warmind cells would definitely be more interesting and add more build options if they were brought back (with ways to prevent other players from blowing your cells up)
Warmind cells, charged with light, wells, all of them. The complexities of build crafting were pretty much neutered when they removed all of these. It’s just a shell of what it was
Elemental wells
Warmind cells, without a doubt. Bungie created something so powerful, saw how good players developed their load outs to suit, then nerfed them and eventually removed them. For me, this was when Bungie started their downward trend of ruining this game.
WMC was my favorite way to play. They nerfed them way too hard then the removal was an entire travesty.
I greatly enjoyed warmind cells - I at least think the Ikelos weapons/braytech/sleeper should still have them.
I miss nuking entire rooms with warmind cells
Both and elemental wells too, that buildcrafting was actually fun and intriguing. It gave more choice, depth and variety, making building into armor mods actually fun
Edited by Milk: 12/27/2024 2:33:04 PMCharged with Light, because you guys can't be trusted to not kill something you shouldn't when you blow up a Warmind Cell.
[i]Warmind Cells[/i] build further into the demand for Loot. And that is [i]D2[/i] at it's core, a [b]Looter Shooter[/b].
I want to see either of the big 3 come back, Charged with Light, Warmind Cells, or Elemental Wells. The only mods we've gotten since the Lightfall Simplification were the Raid mods and the Enhanced weapon mods. I want more mod depth outside of the seasonal Artifact
Neither, cuz elemental wells were better. The current pickups are nice but hella mediocre in comparison to what elemental wells were. But if I had to choose from these two charge with light cuz Warmind Cells are restricted to certain weapons only.
Edited by Vapor: 12/27/2024 3:03:40 PMCharged with light. After picking up an orb I used to be able to one shot body with an aggressive sniper .... And of course powerful friends with the +20 to mobility.
Both. They were once together in the sandbox but Bungie in their infinite wisdom took it away in exchange for a neutered mod system because of the same reason why they neutered the class perk system when we moved from D1 to D2. It was too complicated and hard for people to earn and understand, Luke Smith's words and I'm paraphrasing here.
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
Warmind cells, never used em’ but I saw people use them during S19 and they looked cool -
I want warmind cells back just for the fun interaction they had with hierarchy of needs.
Charged With Light. Warmind Cells were powerful, but it restricted your load out to Ikelos and Seventh Seraph Weapons. Charged With Light was more flexible.
I would really like to see warmind cells comeback now that Bungie got rid of armor elements. Never made full use of them because of armor elements
What about updating the catalyst for Sleeper and let it have an alt fire that launches a Warmind cell ordinance that explodes on impact.
I used to enjoy charged with light… used it with dmt In the crucible for some amazing space cowboy power fantasy …. Two tap town was so fun… made one feel like the sheriff that’s for sure … In pve I used it on hunter with borealis and dragon shadow for permanent damage boost